Set in the North Island of New Zealand after mid 19th century, when the tension between Maori and Pakehas continued to grow. Haki, a young Maori man who used to have a happy childhood when the days were worry-free, experienced life change after he lost his father to the uprising. Feeling the lost of his childhood and the threat of losing his homeland, Haki had been plotting an action in his mind while he was little and couldn't wait to carry it out when he grew up.
As he grew, different voices in the tribe emerged. In order to keep the population from diminishing, more tribe's men turn against war. Struggled between his belief in pride and the sacrificing lives of his own root, Haki wished there would be something to guide him through, to find a way to solve this dilemma.
One day he experienced a spiritual inspiration, something which helped him to not only re-discover his courage again, but also influenced those minds around him. Were the voices he's been listening to going to lead him to the victory he has been dreaming for?